LA Eyeworks
L.A. Eyeworks continues to shape the future by offering sly references to the past. We launched the current “retro revival” a few years ago with mega style sensations like Perkins and Fitz. L.A.Eyeworks continues to create innovative, hip collections that embrace and interpret iconic forms of the 20th century.
The tight, severe and angular shapes that characterized the late 90’s and early 2000’s have been over marketed and over produced and are now over. (And let’s face it- people look just plain mean in those frames.) It’s time for a new direction. Informed eyeglass wearers are sporting deeper and more open eyewear designs from L.A.Eyeworks that reference the return to a handcrafted time and approach.
When you wear these new shapes you look nicer, kinder, cooler and even smarter! These new forms encourage curiosity, openness, and friendliness.